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my work
Art has been my interest for a long time and since I joined a printmaking studio in 2017, print has become the main medium I've been focusing on.
I’ve been exploring various traditional printmaking methods like screenprinting, drypoint, collagraph, linocut and etching. The theme is mainly abstract, surrealist and psychedelic often depicting dream inspired imagery.
ghosts drypoint etching #2
I used two different intaglio plates for this print, overlapping two different images in two colours (red and black).
The main image has also been printed on a pre-made monoprint background to give it even more depth and texture.
ghosts drypoint etching
Large format A2+ complex etching illustrating images derived from collages I'd made for the project.
collages & textures
Images generated during the project, collages, research and textures showing the visual progress.
ghosts monoprints #2
Another part of a series of black and red monoprints on handmade cotton rag paper, this time in bigger A3 size format.
The Ritual project progression that's taken a turn to explore specifically the role of birds in ancient mythology and traditions.
ghosts monoprints
Series of black and red A5 monoprints on handmade cotton rag paper, the Ritual project progression that's taken a turn to explore specifically the role of birds in ancient mythology and traditions.
ritual #2
More prints for the Ritual project, this time a series of A5 monoprints.
Project inspired by ancient rituals, especially the importance of masks and the visual symbols used by various ancient cultures.
Series of complex multi-layer monoprints, using hand cut-out stencils and multiple layers of ink colour.
My journey with monotype printing started with a surrealist and sci-fi inspired series exploring imaginary ways of representing signal transmissions. The series of one-off monoprints was produced by arranging hand-cut stencils on inked up plates which were then printed on paper using a traditional etching press. The project allowed me to practice and establish a unique printing technique that I've used frequently since. It also gave me a deeper understanding of monotype printing, as the most expressive and flexible of printmaking methods, considering that the point of each final outcome of the print is to be 'one of a kind' and unique, as opposed to producing an identical replica, like in using most of other printmaking methods (e.g. screenprinting, block printing etc.)
This technique gives room for expression, as the arrangement and colours of each print are different, but it's still preserving a quality of a 'series' and continuity by using the same repeating stencils.
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